Chapter Twenty-One

Amanda watched a few minutes of TV while Maricruz changed out of her snow gear into a pair of jeans and then filled the bath tub with piping hot water and an overabundance of bubbles.  She placed a fresh towel on the lid of the closed toilet along with a pair of new underwear out of a package she hadn’t opened yet, as well as a white t-shirt, a forest green pullover sweater, and a pair of jeans she couldn’t fit into but hoped to be able to eventually after Umberto finally followed through and showed her the exercises she should be doing.  That’s the excuse she kept giving herself anyway.  Maricruz called for Amanda to come.  “You can stay in here as long as you want, sweetie,” Maricruz said, touching Amanda softly on the shoulder.  Amanda’s smile was so wide it could barely fit in the apartment. 

After Maricruz walked out of the bathroom, leaving Amanda alone, she heard Amanda lock the door and twist and pull the knob a few times to make sure it really was locked.  Then she heard something, probably the hamper, being pushed in front of the door and then the knob jiggled again to make sure one last time that the door was indeed locked.  Maricruz gathered everything she needed for the French toast: a skillet, bread, milk, eggs, powdered sugar, and cinnamon.  Amanda had to be starving and when Lyle arrived from her parents’ house with Benny he would be eager to bite into a syrup drenched stack.  But right as she was about to turn on the burner to heat up the skillet the phone rang. 

The call was her mother filling her in on the fact that Lyle was stranded at their place for a bit and that he was using that time to get cleaned up.  At first Maricruz was a bit perturbed at the delay in seeing Lyle and actually getting to sit down across the table from him and share a meal for the first time in three months.  It seemed all she’d been doing for as long as she could remember is waiting.  “There’s not really much we can do about it right now,” her mom explained.  “If the plow doesn’t swing through before he and his clothes are all cleaned up, then I’ll bribe two of your brothers to take him and Benny over to your place.  Plus, you’ll be glad that he’s showered when he gets over there.  That man smelled as bad as Umby’s gym bag.  They’ll be there in a little over an hour, okay?  Just be patient and get some rest while you’re waiting.”  Maricruz decided to put all the ingredients back up and then to spend that time putting all the candles back in the box and storing it again in the hall closet.  After she was finished with the candles, Maricruz flipped on the television and absent-mindedly watched The Karate Kid for the millionth time until she dozed off.

When Maricruz woke up about an hour later, Amanda had finished up in the bathroom and was curled up in a ball in the easy chair sleeping wet-haired and breathing deeply.  Maricruz placed Benny’s black and yellow fleece blanket over her and then went into the bedroom and called her mom, finding out that Lyle and Benny would be there any minute on the back of the snowmobiles, driven by Miguel and Umberto who Veronica had paid twenty dollars each and who had also been conscripted by Fernando via phone to come down to Los Tres Hermanos in order to help him make it the only restaurant open in town.  “You really don’t have to go down there to help today if you don’t want to,” Veronica told her, but Maricruz fully intended on doing her part for the family.  After she hung up, knowing that Lyle and Benny would be there soon, she pulled out all the ingredients again and started cooking French toast, along with bacon and eggs. 

About ten minutes later the door opened and in walked Lyle and Benny.  Lyle inhaled deeply and moaned in an ecstasy that could have only from a combination of the heavenly smell of frying bacon and the sight of Maricruz.  At least she hoped that she ranked somewhere near the smell of bacon.  As she looked him over, Maricruz couldn’t believe how handsome Lyle was with his beard gone and his hair combed, like one of the cowboys from the Stetson cologne commercials that always came on around Christmas.  After she hugged Benny, Maricruz embraced Lyle and rested her cheek on his worn flannel shirt, thanking her mother in her mind for cleaning him up before sending him home.  Although she was, of course, delighted to see her little boy and more than willing to help out Amanda, she couldn’t help but wish that it was just she and Lyle for a while so they could reconnect.  It had been so long.  They had too much catching up to do to have anyone else around.

As Lyle kissed Maricruz softly and held her close to him, she felt the ridges carved into the wooden handle of the pistol stuffed into the back of Lyle’s pants.  She stepped back from Lyle and was about to ask him what in the world he was doing with a gun when Benny interrupted her by tugging on his her arm. 

“Who’s that?” Benny asked, pointing at Amanda, speaking a little too loudly and in a tone bordering on rudeness.

“That’s our new friend, Amanda,” she answered him, whispering.

“She might be staying here for a while,” Lyle said.

Maricruz gave Lyle a surprised look.  “What do you mean ‘a while?’” she asked him.

“Just until we get all this figured out for her,” he assured her, the look on his face revealing that he realized that he had some explaining to do.

“You need to tell me what’s going on with this girl and why the hell you’re carrying a gun,” Maricruz demanded as she set out plates for Lyle, Amanda, and herself.  Since Benny wasn’t hungry he went to his room to play, and Maricruz decided not to wake up Amanda, but just to warm it up for her whenever she woke up.  Lyle pulled the pistol out and placed it on top of the refrigerator where Benny wouldn’t find it before he could turn it over to the police later.  Then the two of them sat down and over the next twenty minutes, Lyle told her everything Amanda had told him back in the abandoned farmhouse.  After just a few minutes of the story, Maricruz pushed her plate away, having lost her appetite.  “There really is evil in this world isn’t there, Lyle?  It’s not just something our grandparents made up to scare us, is it?”

“I used to think there was evil,” he answered, “Now I know it.  So you can see that we’ve got to help her out.  I made a promise to her that I wouldn’t let anything happen to her.  I’ve got to keep that promise, Mari.  No more letting people down.  I need to call the police but I'm not sure if they should be my first call or my last.  Your mom thinks Father Carl might be able to help out.”

Maricruz’s mind raced as she got up and piled Lyle’s plate with seconds of French toast, eggs, and bacon, and then poured him another glass of orange juice.  “Maybe Mr. Stockett or Rick would know someone too,” she suggested.

“Oh yeah,” Lyle interrupted her.  “Speaking of Rick, I called him from your parents’ place and invited him over this afternoon for a late lunch since the highway should be totally clear by then.  I figured we could celebrate my 90 days with some fajitas or enchiladas and maybe some tres leches cake if you can talk Miguel or your dad into making one.  It’s a day worth celebrating, babe.  I’m alive!  I’m sober!  And I’m back with the woman I love!  What could be better than that?”

“That sounds good,” Maricruz forced herself to say, trying to hide her nervous tone, as she rose from her chair to take her plate to the sink.  “What time did you say he’d be here again?”  Could she work up the nerve to make today the day that Lyle, and even more importantly Benny, would finally find out the truth about Rick?  How would they react?

“Well, I told him two o’clock but he said he’d try to be here by one-thirty.  He said he had something really important he wanted to talk to me about.  At first I figured it was probably just something to do with AA, but he sounded kind of weird when he said that, kind of like he was scared to death of something.”  Lyle took a bite of French toast.  “Any idea what he’d want to talk about?” he asked with his mouth full.

Maricruz tried to catch herself before it happened, but when she heard him ask that question the plate she was taking to the sink dropped onto the kitchen floor, shattering it and splattering her uneaten eggs, bacon, and syrupy French toast all over the tiles.  “Um… uh” she said shakily, trying to stall while she figured out how to answer the question without lying or telling the truth.  She hadn’t even talked to Rick about her decision that it was time to tell Lyle and Benny.  He must finally need to clear his conscience.  But today?  Couldn’t it wait until she was ready?  Did she really need to keep that bargain she made with God that if Lyle made it back safely she’d tell him and Benny the truth?  Maricruz looked over at Lyle and saw that one of his eyebrows was raised in what seemed like anticipation of her answer and suspicion at why it was taking her so long to give it.  Did he know?  Was he just setting her up, trying to catch her in a lie?  Why was she being so paranoid?  Of course he didn't know.  Or did he?  Not knowing how to answer, she decided to just walk out of the kitchen without cleaning up the mess on the floor. 

"Where you going, babe?" Lyle asked her, again with his mouth full and a confused look on his face.

"I need to... I need to..."  She stopped and steadied herself by placing her hand on the end table, noticing that Amanda had slept through the crashing plate.  But would she be able to sleep through what was about to happen?  "Lyle," she said.  "You love me right?"

"Well, I did walk through a blizzard for you, so, yeah, I guess you could say I'm kind of fond of you," he joked, having walked over to check on her.

"Well, that's a good thing, Baby."  She took a deep breath.  "We should probably go back over to the table and sit down."  She looked him in the eyes.  "I think I know what Rick wants to talk to you about, but I'd rather you hear it from me."

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